
How to replace ear speaker for Sony Z3?

How to replace ear speaker for Sony Z 3?

SUNRISE will help you step by step:

1.       pry battery connector, LCD flex connector, audio flex connector and rear camera.
2.       disassemble 2 screws.
3.       disassemble antenna enhancement piece, left and right one.
4.       disassemble wifi enhancement piece
5.       open sim card cover, take out sim card
6.       pry motherboard
7.       pry one tip of antenna
8.       pry main flex connector
9.       take out rear camera
10.   take out motherboard
11.   take out ear speaker
12.   place a new ear speaker
13.   place motherboard, lock the charger port first
14.   lock motherboard
15.   place rear camera and lock, clean camera lens with soft cloth piece
16.   lock the left antenna enhancement piece
17.   lock the audio flex
18.   lock the plastic piece over the audio flex
19.   lock the right antenna enhancement piece
20.   2pcs, install 2 screws

21.   lock wifi enhancement piece
22.   lock LCD flex connector
23.   lock side key flex connector
24.   lock antenna tip
25.   lock battery connector
26.   turn on phone, check if the front camera is in right position (black point of camera is in the center)
27.   Dial out. test ear speaker, function and sound good. Done! Hang off.
28.   pill off the film from adhesive of back cover
29.   clean camera hole
30.   align back cover edges
31.   press back cover edges to make sure totally pasted
32.   Check if the camera lens is clean, to take a photo that has no dust.

